Feel free to request evaluation/feedback of other web sites that deal
with Bible Prophecy, besides those listed here:
Bible Prophecy site:
Prophecy on the Web.
The best site for getting the scoop on the most important Bible message
for NOW!
Bible Prophecy site:
Paul Cales, you can order a FREE
book from him, which is a good primer on prophecy from a raw Biblical point
of view, not from the current evangelical party line.
Sort of a Bible Prophecy site: The
Jerusalem Temple Mount Home Page The site is managed by Mike Kollen and
Lambert Dolphin. This site is primarily concerned with theories and research
concerning the location of the the First and Second Jewish Temples. Highlights
the work of Tel Aviv architect Tuvia Sagiv who develops a provocative case
that the Temples stood beneath El Kas fountain, between the Dome of the Rock
and Al Aqsa Mosque. Lambert Dolphin
Bible Prophecy site: New
Zealand Revival Bulletin Reports and Prophecies about the New Zealand
revival, inlcuding "street revival" movement. Andrew Strom writes about
1) 'THE ELIJAHS OF GOD WILL ARISE'. Extracts from "I Saw Heaven"
byRoberts Liardon and "Placebo" by Howard Pittman.
A Revival historian, strongly aligned with the Charismatic and
propheticmovements, raises the following questions: Why is Toronto almost
identical to many counterfeit movements which have infiltrated and destroyed
genuine Revivalsdown through history? And why do the manifestations seem
literally identical to those found in the Chinese 'Qigong' occultic movement,
as wellas Franz Mesmer's occultic healing movement and also the 'Kundalini'
manifestations associated with Ramakrishna and Rajneesh, etc?
internationally-recognised prophetic writer and speaker discusses the 'Toronto'
movement in an open and frank way.
5) THE DELUSION OF 'COOL' CHRISTIANITY. At heart, is it truly "relevance"
or is it compromise?
Bible Prophecy site: Michael Scheifler's
Bible Light page. Good scholarship
on the Wed. vs. Friday crucifixion (and Sabbath-Sunday resurrection) question,
Sabbath vs. Sunday.
Bible Prophecy site: NEW
WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE site This is a page to get you to subscribe
to their expensive newsletter which does appear to contain in-depth
scholarship on the forces attempting to bring in the one-world new world
Bible Prophecy site: Lamb Lion
Ministries, Dr. David Reagan has put together an interesting set of pages
Bible Prophecy site:
"The Computer Bible
Student" advertises itself by saying it offers
"information to help people who are troubled by what is
happening in the world. It offers an explanation
regarding what the Bible says is coming in the near
future. This includes Armageddon, the Tribulation and
the Rapture. If offers a sequence of events. It
provides an opportunity for
feedback comments that will be considered to be
added to these web pages." There is a short interesting section on
the 6000 years and times of gentiles...
Bible Prophecy site:
Dean Van Druff summarizes the eschatology of this page: ..."REPENT
and get ready. ('who warned you..') The virtue of this page is that it
is almost all Scripture. No room for a weird slant to slip in...
Bible Prophecy site: From a legalist using the historical method, but
anything you can learn abou the prophecies in Daniel can be a blessing.
This site says it will include interactive Bible lessons. We'll